One of the benefits of using my own dog instead of a shelter dog is that I know without a doubt the he loves children and doesn't get overwhelmed when we vist what many times is a very stressful environment for a dog. I also know he won't pee on the floor (which could be embarrassing), and he knows a number of tricks -- which never fails to entertain our audience.
As ambassador from HAWS, Mystic plays an important role in promoting our educational messages. It's easy to dismiss a woman talking about responsible pet ownership and the needs of the animals in the Waukesha community. But bring a well-behaved, enthusiastic and friendly, furry face along, and the message becomes much more relavant.
Dear Khris, I am a volunteer at Angels Grace Hospice in Oconomowoc. Would Mystic or a dog like Mystic ever be interested in visiting patients at Angels Grace Hospice? A few of the patients would be overjoyed to have a canine visitor! Please let me know. Thanks for considering this request.
Mystic and I would be interested in visiting Angels Grace.
Give me a call and we can set it up!
Khris (and Mystic)
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