Lucky 4 Leaf Clover
"Are there such things as 4 leaf clovers?" asked one of the girls.
I told her that there were, but they were pretty rare which is why people considered them lucky. Then I walked off to check in with another group of kids.
A little while later I walked past the first group. "She found a 4 leaf clover!" one of the kids excitedly yelled.
"Really? Show it to me," I said hurrying over.
"Oh, I threw it away already."
How to Tells the Boys from the Girls
"Well, how do you know you're a girl and not a boy?" I asked.
"I have long hair", was the reply.
"Ok, well when babies are first born and they don't have hair, how does the doctor know it's a boy and not a girl?"
The little girl thought, and thought. I could see the wheels spinning in her head and I assumed she had it figured out.
"Well, boys have blue blankets and girls have pink."
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