Earlier this summer the
Pewaukee Park and Rec Department asked me to come and talk to kids who were participating in their summer program. The kids wanted to learn what HAWS was all about because they were working on a project to benefit our organization.
At the time of the first visit the kids didn't know what they would do to help us since they were still in the planning stages of the project. They were amazed to hear that we take in 6,000 animals a year and that in addition to dogs and cats we also take in a whole variety of different animals that people keep as pets. The kids asked great questions, Mystic entertained them with a few tricks, and as I left the Rec staff promised to keep me informed of the outcome of their project.
Last week Mystic and I were invited to return, hear about the project, and accept the money that the kids had collected. The kids were simply amazing. They decided to do a car wash, and the day of the car wash turned out to be one of the hottest days of the summer -- hovering around 100F. The charge per car was $5.00, although many of the customers gave extra, and some people even donated money without getting their car washed. The kids were ecstatic that their hard work paid off and they were able to collect $320.40 and in addition a box of items HAWS has listed on our wish list.
Each of the kids also decided to sponsor a HAWS animal and made up a card with the animal's name and photograph on it. They were very proud of their animals, and by the time I visited many of those animals had been adopted -- a fact that made the kids very happy.
Thanks to the kids of Pewaukee Park and Rec. HAWS truly appreciates your support of the work that we do here, and the consideration you have for animals in need.