Alyssa S.

HAWS by Raven S.
Kittens and puppies may look cute, but have you ever thought about what happens to older dogs and cats? HAWS works extra hard to put older animals in homes. They have tried to lower prices on older animal. They also bring them into camps to show the volunteers that come here for camp. Reach out and help an older animal out. How would you like to live your whole life in a cage? Adopt an older dog today!!
HAWS Rocks!!
Carly B.

A Great Place by Mary Kate A.
HAWS is supportive in so many ways -- that's why you should be supportive by adopting a pet at HAWS. This awesome place has dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, lizards, birds and more.
I'm going to talk about animals that you might want to adopt here at HAWS. First pets are Lily and Norm. Lily is two and Norm is eight. These pets want to be adopted together because they were from the same home. these pets will change your life. Lilly and Norm will be your best friends. Lily is a beagle and Norm is a terrier mix.
Next is Flower. Flower is a kitten with a bundle of energy. Flower loves to play and cuddle with you. Flower is for someone who needs to be happy. Flower is a shooting star. Flower is not even one yet.
Next is Boss. Boss isn't even one yet either. Boss is a pitbull, but don't worry, Boss won't hurt you if you take care of him the right way. Boss is a crazy pup.
Finally Tonka. Tonka is a St. Bernard. A gentle giant. Tonka is awesome, he can be for any one. Even you. Go to HAWS and look for your special pet. If it's not there today, go tomorrow, next week, next month, next year. You'll end up finding your dream pet.
Sam B.

I am not a cat person, but when I saw Gable I knew I wanted him. He is the cutest kitten. When I saw him I thought he was full grown, but no, he is only 5 months old. Me and my friend were both looking at kittens. We saw a 3 month old and said, "oh, she is so little". Then I looked up and saw Gable. then my friend's mom said "that cat is only 5 months old". We were both amazed that cats grow that fast.
I walked out and saw Lilly and Norm. They are the cutest buddy pair I have ever seen. Lilly is a 2 year old Beagle, and Norm is an 8 year old terrier mix. I looked at the next cage over and saw Patch. She is a super cute tan and white pit bull. I got her to sit and lay down. I know Patch is the dog for me or you!

HAWS by Kirstin E.
HAWS stands for Humane Animal Welfare Society. HAWS rocks. HAWS adopts out dogs, cats, bunny rabbits, birds, iguanas, ferrets and has visitation rooms. Plus they have their own mascot, his name is Mystic.
We love HAWS.

Jenny V.